”Spoken conversation and text substance have more in common with each other then written communication ”

Affirmation : Text conversation uses more features of spoken conversation that go beyond the restraint of written text. When we speak to each other their is more depth to our conversation including tone of interpreter facial expression and body language. These visual agency of communicating is Belem linguistic communication.

Example: A emoji such as the smiling emoji constructed by a colon and a square bracket 🙂 can show the reader that what you said is in a positive way or you are happy in answer to what they said.

Example two : However; a grin emoji can be interpreted in many ways and it dept closing s what context it is used in. If you were to say something very nasty and put option a smile emoji at the end to give it a wrong feeling or expression

Example three: Text language is just like spoken language because many of the new inventions that are used in texting are in fact indicators of language features we usually find in interpersonal speech.

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. This is definitely the correct analysis. Now you need to write ‘around’ what you’ve done to explain how this proves your point.


    Text language is like spoken language because many of the new inventions used in texting are in fact indicators of language features we usually find in interpersonal speech


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